Gauguin’s World: Tōna Iho, Tōna Ao

Discover the transformative art of Paul Gauguin in the largest exhibition of his work ever presented in Australia.

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“Gauguin’s World: Tōna Iho, Tōna Ao” brings together over 130 works, providing a comprehensive look at the artist’s incredible journey and evolution. Curated by Henri Loyrette, former director of the Musée d’Orsay and president-director of the Musée du Louvre, this exhibition offers a opportunity to delve into Gauguin’s artistic legacy.

Paul Gauguin, born in Paris in 1848, began his career with humble beginnings. Initially working as a stockbroker, he gradually shifted his focus to pursue his passion for art, influenced by the burgeoning Impressionist movement. By 1873, Gauguin had embraced painting fully, aligning himself with prominent artists like Camille Pissarro and Paul Cézanne. His early works reflected the light and colour typical of Impressionism, yet he soon grew restless with the conventional styles of the time.

Gauguin’s insatiable quest for new inspiration led him to travel extensively, seeking to break free from the constraints of European artistic traditions. His travels took him to Martinique, Brittany, and ultimately, French Polynesia. In these distant lands, he found a rich tapestry of cultural and visual stimuli that profoundly influenced his work. Gauguin’s art began to embody a unique blend of vivid colours, symbolic motifs, and a deep appreciation for the spiritual and mystical aspects of the cultures he encountered.

The exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia traces this remarkable journey, from Gauguin’s early Impressionist pieces to his later works created in Tahiti and the Marquesas Islands. Visitors will experience the breadth of Gauguin’s creative output, including painting, drawing, engraving, sculpture, and decorative arts. Additionally, cultural items from the Musée de Tahiti et des Îles provide context and insight into the environment that so deeply impacted Gauguin’s work.

This collection, sourced from 65 private and public collections worldwide, features works never before exhibited in Australia, offering a rare chance to see these masterpieces together. As you explore “Gauguin’s World: Tōna Iho, Tōna Ao,” you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the artist’s life, his relentless search for meaning, and the diverse influences that shaped his extraordinary body of work.

After immersing yourself in Gauguin’s art, enhance your visit by staying at Novotel Canberra. Ideally located minutes from the gallery, Novotel Canberra offers comfort and convenience, making it the perfect base for your cultural adventure. Enjoy spacious rooms, excellent amenities, and easy access to the National Gallery, ensuring a memorable and seamless experience during your stay.